Features Narrating the history of the PRT-ERP is to narrate the history of the political organizations that represented the guevarista ideals and vision. And just like Guevara, who paradoxically found in failure the dignificación of his intentions.
It was one of the few revolutionary movements that tried to carry their project through by all means possible without hesitating, facing false roads towards change, opportunism and political influences, specially within important sectors of the political power that, even today, continue having a leading role in the life of this country.
But to tell this history is also to speak of men and women, young in those times, that left all a side to be part of history. It is to speak of a moment where, as opposed to the current one, the future was seen as "something to build and somewhat possible".
And then any sacrifice made sense.
Duration: 120 minutes Year: 2004 Rated:E Audio: Español Production: Gabriel Corvi y Gustavo de Jesús Zone: 4 |